Sara Craig Co. is committed to being socially responsible and promoting sustainability in every aspect of our business.
It’s my mission to increase access to life, career and business coaching, regardless of economic means or other barriers; limit, and offset, my impact on the earth and its resources; contribute to creating positive communities; and respect and encourage the diversity of my clients.
Do better, do more and do it well.
In every step we take, we have choices. Every day I consider my impact; on myself, my family, my clients and the environment. I strive to create the most opportunity that I can and give as much as I am able to other people and the world around me.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~ Winston Churchill
We have the choice – now more than ever – to invest our time and money in socially responsible businesses whose values are closely aligned with our own. With that in mind, I want to be clear on my mission as a coach and my purpose as a person.
In every aspect of SCCo. I aim to design personal development resources that are encompassing, accessible and applicable to as many people as possible; make environmentally conscious choices; and invest in protecting and progressing the rights and opportunities of all people.
I believe that we should use our voices to create change – in ourselves and the world; that we should lift up those who need a hand; that we should treat our planet with care and respect; and we should treat each other with kindness and dignity. I believe that every person, regardless of how they look, where they come from, or who they choose to love, deserves a seat at the table.
I don’t just believe these things, I work for them every day, in my life and business. I set out on a path years ago to build a career in service of people on the front line of life. SCCo. is a culmination of that work.
Choosing a coach (or any professional) is a personal decision. And I appreciate that you’re considering choosing me. If I am able to support you as you strive to make changes in your life and in your solopreneur business, please reach out to me.
Design your best life. Then go out and live it.
~ Sara